A journey into the heart.

💫 Full Moon Cacao Ceremony

Each month we will gather for the Full Moon with Mama Cacao. This ceremony is included in all training programs, and now available for you too if you want to get to know us, get a taste and experience one of our Cacao Ceremonies online -even if you are not participating in the training. We would love to welcome you into the World of Cacao.

Hosted by

Nele Zeeh

Write your awesome label here.
Nele Zeeh is our Cacao Ceremony facilitator and she also teaches you in the course how to lead Cacao Ceremonies.
Cacao has become an integral part of Nele's life, and she generously shares her love and knowledge of this sacred plant medicine with participants in circles like these since 2017. 

Each month, Nele carefully curates a unique ceremony, incorporating elements of meditation, intention-setting, singing and connecting. You are encouraged to connect with the spirit of cacao, allowing its energy to open your heart and journey deeper into yourself. You can feel Nele's deep respect for the sacredness of cacao as she emphasizes the importance of approaching this medicine with respect and gratitude for pachamama.

Full Moons are powerful portals that support the ceremony with energy.

Are you ready to CONNECT deeper with yourself, your heart, and Mama Cacao?

Well, we would love to welcome you in the next Full Moon ceremony.

A journey into the heart.

How to prepare

Prepare your own Cacao just beforehand. 
The video of "How to prepare your Cacao" and the recipe for that you will find inside our Full Moon section when you have registered and logged in. 25-50g of Cacao is considered a ceremonial dose. Prepare the Cacao in the dose that you feel is best, let your intuition guide you. Start light if you are new to it. 

Please be ready with your cup of Ceremonial Cacao medicine 5mins before the ceremony starts.
Do not eat at least 2 hours beforehand. Eat very light that day.

Make sure you have a quiet space for yourself that feels comfortable and nourishing. Have a cushion, blanket, something comfortable to sit on.

Create your space like a temple for yourself. Light a candle & have some altar items that you like e.g. crystals, incense, essential oils, flowers, oracle cards.

Prepare yourself with some drinking water, have a journal and a pen, and headphones/speaker if you like.
We will have a Cacao ritual, a meditation, singing, journal writing & sharing.

Stay up-to-date

 Upcoming Full Moon Ceremonies

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